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Apr 22, 2018

Today we discuss the courage to see the unseeable and create a reality that we didn’t know could exist.


In this episode, special guest Mark Robert Waldman talks about how the reality we see is rarely ever the reality that truly exists, and how we can allow ourselves to look at the world through fresh eyes.


We Discuss:

  • Finding a place of calmness, presence, and joy in our lives
  • A story of the two wolves we have within us and the roles they play
  • The profound neurological and psychological benefits of meditation
  • How our brain functions when we are awake vs. when we are asleep
  • Our imagination and how it can stop us from experiencing reality as it is
  • Strategies that can be used to tune into true reality
  • The ideal state to be in to have an “Aha!” experience
  • Creating a new belief system that transforms the direction of your life
  • Exercises that can be done to “turn-off” the brain

