Sep 27, 2021
I think we can all agree that we could use more love and kindness in our lives. In this episode of Voices of Courage, Ken D. Foster interviews David Fryburg, MD, a physician, scientist, and the author of the Psychology Today blog series, “The Science of Kindness.” He is also the co-founder and President of Envision Kindness, a not-for-profit organization that creates, studies, and distributes kindness media to promote caring, connection, and happiness.
In this discussion, David talks about how to apply the science of kindness, how stress impacts people’s health, the way they think, and the way they interact with others, and how kindness and kindness media can reduce stress, improve workplace environments, promote a sense of community, and connect us to meaning in life.
Are you ready to expand what is possible, find the inspiration you need, and clear out any blocks or obstacles in your life? Ken’s second guest, Kate Peris, has spent years as an editorial and a celebrity stylist/creative director—with successes like Vogue Italia, A-list clients, and a Drake music video—as well as a fashion editor, entrepreneur, decorator, event planner, and educator, creating beauty while inspiring others.
In this interview, Kate talks about having the courage to create possibilities for yourself, creating quiet in the times when your work feels unsatisfying or uncertain, accepting a new way of creating financial success, and building your community.