Feb 28, 2024
Mindset and attitude are the keys to business success. Tune in as Ken D Foster interviews Neely Woodson Powell the entrepreneur behind the Charleston Shoe Company.
A brand that has quickly become a multi-generational travel-staple for their trusted comfortable yet fashionable footwear, the Charleston Shoe Company, founded by Neely Woodson Powell, began twenty-five years ago when she discovered the artistry of a Mexican cobbler named Santiago, whose stylish yet comfortable sandals inspired her. This chance encounter led to the birth of Charleston Shoe Company, a now iconic national brand with over 25 retail stores across the US, known for its versatile and fashionable footwear, and still hand-sewn by skilled artisans in Mexico.
Website: charlestonshoeco.com
Facebook: facebook.com/neely.w.powell
Instagram: instagram.com/livefreelyneely/
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/neely-woodson-powell-366401148/
#voicesofcourage #kendfoster #NeelyWoodsonPowell
Youtube: https://youtu.be/iR-ijZzxP10
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