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Mar 29, 2020

In today's episode, we discuss staying calm and at peace in this time of uncertainty through the power of love, compassion, resilience, and faith. We explore:



- Recovering from disruptive change or misfortune without being completely overwhelmed

- Love in the time of quarantine and strategies for building love and trust in close quarters

- Why choosing love is the courageous choice right now and what this looks like

- Inner work for isolating times and building self-love and resiliency through mindful practices

- Choosing love and compassion and holding space for loved ones and their unique emotions

- Techniques, tools, and strategies for staying calm and at peace in times of uncertainty

- The value of introspection in this time to assess how we should slow down and respond

- Choosing to respond with faith instead of reacting out of worry, stress, and fear

- Tapping into the power of the Holy Spirit through the journey of "See-Seek-Want-Wait"


