Feb 28, 2021
Are you ready to change the things that are not working in your life? I want to tell you that the pandemic was not just a shutting down of the world, it was and is a journey into our souls.
There are so many people waking up and realizing that the life they were living wasn’t really aligned with themselves nor their values and they are ready for change. But how does real change take place? Today, I will share with you some of the fastest and most pain-free ways to make positive changes in your life.
Have you ever looked deeply and recognized there was something greater, deeper, and more real than the body? What was this energy you were feeling? Maybe you have looked deeply at your own eyes in a mirror and asked, "Who am I? What is the meaning of life? Why am I here? What is my true purpose for living?"
These are deep questions, and they really can’t be answered with the logical mind. I have found that if you want the truth, you must take time to contemplate, and let the answers bubble up from the unknown place within you.
But, is that place really unknown? Or, maybe that sense of who you are has just been covered up. So, what could cover it up? And when it is covered up, what do you lose? You lose your creativity, purpose, brilliance, joy, happiness, and awareness.
A sort of rust accumulates from all of the past hurts, pains, sufferings, fears, worries, concerns, anger, resentment, and just plain old lies and disinformation. Join us today as we explore how we can change this up!
Visit: https://voicesofcourage.us/